Maybe someday I will get my act together.
Anyway, today is the last day for ARTSplash -- which is a group show I am in every summer. It's typically 35-50 artists - depending on how many 2-d and 3-d artists we have - from an art group I belong to. We have monthly meetings and then once a year we do a show.
I didn't think I was going to get anything new done for the show. I don't find hanging older pieces, just always like to have something new as well.
So here's a pic I took just before the show of the pieces I finished. I am definitely NOT a photographer.
Photography on your ironing board is not recommended. ha!
I did sell two small pieces last time I checked - so I am happy with that. Maybe something sold yesterday or will sell today. It's not that I am just focused on selling - just that selling helps me to keep doing what I do. I'll try to get a picture of the show overall...but I forgot my camera the other day. So hopefully one of the other artists took some pics.
We've had amazing weather here and there were tons of festivals and such this weekend, so hopefully that bodes well for our turnout/sales.